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Helping the citizens impact the Stillwater community.

The Stillwater Community Foundation provides an important and unique fundraising and donation vehicle for individuals and organizations to achieve their philanthropic goals.
Board Members
The Stillwater Community Foundation's board is filled by active and loyal citizens dedicated to the future of Stillwater and the wellbeing of its citizens.
The Stillwater Community Foundation has played an vital role in some of Stillwater's important community efforts.
Grant Requests
The Stillwater Community Foundation seeks new donation opportunities every year. Please find the application by clicking the link below.
How To Donate and Connect
To donate to the Stillwater Community Foundation General Fund, click HERE.
To donate to the Stillwater Community Foundation Disaster Relief Fund, click HERE.
To donate by check: please make payable to Communities Foundation of Oklahoma with Stillwater Community Foundation in the memo line. Please mail to PO Box 425, Stillwater, Oklahoma 74076.
Email John Killam, President of SCF, at john@scc.eskimojoes.com.
Join us on Facebook! To like our Stillwater Community Foundation page, click HERE.
PO Box 425
Stillwater, OK 74076